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by starburst
November 30, 2023

How to use v3 9mm DEX

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9mm is a DeFi project on Pulsechain. It involves different parts ranging from NFTs, Uniswap v3 swaps and liquidity pool, to a marketplace and they’re all connected to create one ecosystem united by the 9mm token. Building on Uniswap v3 means better capital efficiency and reduced slippage. Concentrated liquidity is what attracted so many traders to the protocol on Ethereum. Now that it’s been deployed on Pulsechain it may gain in popularity as well. Learn with us how to use the 9mm DEX to swap tokens and add liquidity to Uniswap v3.

How to use the 9mm DEX

Go to the official website of the v3 9mm DEX and connect your wallet.

You can choose between different options of wallets

How to use the v3 9mm swap

Once you connect your wallet, you can start swapping tokens right away. We want to add liquidity to a pool so we will need WPLS instead of PLS for that. Wrapping PLS is feeless.

If you want to swap another token you can just use the drop down arrows to choose the trading pair.

By pressing the pen next to Slippage Tolerance you can set the setting for transaction deadline. If your transaction won’t get executed within a certain range of time counted in minutes, it will be reverted.

Review the transaction and confirm the swap.

How to add liquidity to v3 9mm DEX

By going to Stats & Graphs you’ll see an overview with analytics and stats. You can input the name of  a token in the search bar and you’ll see all the available pools related to that token. By entering HOA it’s possible to see that the pool with 1% fee has the most volume and liquidity and that’s where it’s possible to make the most as a liquidity provider.

Now we can press on the pair we want to add liquidity to or we can go to Pools in the upper left corner. Press Add Liquidity.

Choose the tokens you want to add liquidity to? Choose the fee tier. Usually, the risky pairs have a higher fee than the tokens with higher volume.

Set your range. If you choose to go full range, that means your LP won’t go out of range and will be earning fees no matter the price. This also means that your capital is spread across the entire range and won’t be earning as efficiently as when it’s concentrated.

If you set the range to 20% instead, it means that you will be earning fees within the 20% deviation range from the current price. This range is quite tight for this price and could go out of range very quickly meaning that you won’t earn fees if that should happen.

If you set your range to 50%, the system will set it to -50% on one side and 99% on another side. 

We want a little bit tighter range though to concentrate the capital more. If the range is set to 50%, it can be adjusted automatically by moving the blue lines. We pushed it to be 50% on both sides of the current price. The range will remain vast enough to leave the space for the price to make its manouvres within the range and provide high fees.

Once you choose the range, enable HOA and WPS to be taken into smart contract’s custody. Press Add.

Add liquidity and confirm transaction. Now, if you go to Pools again, you will see the trading pool pair where you can also view the pool where you just added liquidity.

You can see unclaimed fees which are nothing else than the fees your pool earned. There is also a button Add to add more liquidity or Remove to remove it.

Nothing in this article or website is financial or taxation advice. For advice on these matters, please contact a registered professional adviser.

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