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Project Overview
by starburst
June 5, 2023

PLSBurn PulseChain monitoring center

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Seemingly insignificant data is a powerful tool when you know how to use it. After, PLSBurn is the monitoring center collecting and displaying PulseChain network data, and that provides users with lots of information regarding the state of the chain, but it’s also a place where you can buy PLS and check your portfolio. Gas data will show you when it is best to transact to save on fees, and the bridge transaction processing backlog will show you roughly the expected time of your transaction. Armed with this basic information, you can already save on capital and allocate it more efficiently. Let’s see what else we can retrieve from PLBurn.

PLS Burn

The PLS Burn website is divided into six tabs, each dedicated to a different type of information. The main part of PLSBurn shows the most traded coins on PulseChain. We see a section dedicated to PLS, indicating:

  • The price of PLS in relation to the sacrifice price
  • The current move in price %
  • Market cap
  • Supply
  • The number of PLS coins burned so far
  • chart

This little box is thus an indicator of how deflationary PLS is and how it reflects on its price. We can speculate that the more the burn increases, the more the price parameters will change upward. By pressing the toggle “Exclude the OA” button under the four boxes, you will be able to see how supply and burn change.

Nobody knows how many coins the OA has, but it can own something like 563B HEX, 120T PLS, and 122T PLSX, which constitute over 90% ownership of these assets. 

The section about blocks shows us:

  • how fast the PulseChain backlog is being cleared, 
  • the average gas fee per block, 
  • the amount of PLS burned in each block, 
  • the number of transactions per block.

From this piece of data, you can know if PulseChain is processing transactions at all, and you can easily see the average cost of your transaction. 


On the main page of, you can buy PLS with XML, ETH, USDT, or BTC. Overall, you have the possibility of using any of the 34 assets to purchase PLS. A tutorial video on how to buy PLS is also available. This is a DEX, which means that you don’t need a KYC. You’ll need to provide a receiving address and a refund address to which the funds will be returned in case something goes wrong during the exchange process. Make sure you use the right address from the right chain.


The validators section shows a chart of how many there are on PulseChain, the quantity of PLS they staked, their average balance, and the APR. If you want to know what role they play in PulseChain, how the fees are calculated, and how the network works, read this article. By pressing the Show Globe button, you’ll see the geographical localization of the nodes. This way, you’ll be able to see the network’s distribution. 


The native bridge processes transactions for all the tokens on PulseChain, and users can also add their own custom tokens they want to transfer to or from Ethereum. PLSBurn features the major coins that are being transferred over the bridge. It shows the deposited and processed amounts, from which you can roughly deduct the queue and the speed of the transfer.


The PulseX section shows the number of executed trades, the volume, and the total liquidity. At the time of writing, the TVL is at $384M. PulseX deployed v2 of the protocol. The total number of transactions on PulseX has reached almost 3.5 million since the launch of PulseChain, and the ATH for volume was almost $350 million.


The gas box is just one chart, but it can provide a lot of useful information to the user. It displays the current and past prices of gas. It gives you an average price to send a PRC-20 token, to send PLS, and to make a swap on PulseX. For comparison purposes, it also shows how much you’d spend for the same transaction on Ethereum and Bitcoin. At press time, sending 1 PRC-20 token on PulseChain costs $0.02, sending an ERC-20 on Ethereum costs $2.55, and a Bitcoin transaction costs $1.05. A swap on PulseX costs just $0.10, and on Uniswap on Ethereum, it costs $11.75.


The portfolio part of the website is in development. 

PLS Burn iOS app

PLS Burn has also developed an app for iOS where you can track your portfolio by entering your public wallet. There’s no need to connect your hardware or software wallets unlike with other trackers and the app doesn’t track any data which is good for privacy reasons.

Nothing in this article or website is financial or taxation advice. For advice on these matters, please contact a registered professional adviser.

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